20 Good Things That Got Me Through 2020
Now say that ten times, fast!
I’d love to share with you my most profound learnings this year, as is the usual for my yearend essays… But ha! I’d rather piss myself than relive all that. The year’s been hard enough, so let me instead share the things that brought me joy — or at the very least, relief — over 2020 (may he rest in peace).
Marie Kondo and sparking joy
2020 was the year of Existential Dread™. She said, Got free time? Let me help you out with that! And the rest, as we know it, was a constant loop of self-doubt and misery. Fortunately for me, I was able to delay the arrival by a few weeks, care of the beautiful stylings of Miss Marie Kondo.
I had been putting off decluttering for two years now — you can check my planners for proof. So when I found myself with all the time and with nothing left on the schedule, I did the unenviable. Miss Kondo wasn’t kidding when she said the process sparks joy — but that’s not before seeing the mountains of clothes, trinkets, documents and what-not. Ain’t nothing like free closet space to make you forget you’ve lost your job.
Being ~involved~ in grad school
Truth be told, I haven’t been the most sociable person in grad school. I was usually in and out of the building quicker than you can say school spirit.
This year though, I made friends with student council members and got looped into a number of their stuff. I sang harana for their Valentine’s fundraiser (pre-quarantine) and even became an ORSEM host (sa tanda kong ‘to?).
And man, I’ve even managed to form closer bonds a couple of classmates. I guess that’s what a shared frustration over online classes does.
Les Jump Rope
No treadmill, no problem. Found my old ropes, and started giving my downstairs neighbors headaches. And I’ve learned a couple of tricks on the ropes too! Not starting a jump rope Instagram live is still my greatest regret of the year. HAHAHA.
Dua Lipa’s Future Nostalgia
I hired a personal trainer this year by the name of Dua Lipa. When she said, “Let’s get physical,” I didn’t dare disobey. Made a hundred push-ups go by like a breeze. 11/10 will recommend.
Really though… ALL. THE. BOPS. I’d spend whole afternoons in my room just dancing to her music. It was sheer escapism — the mirror ball in these dark times.
Dalgona coffee
You all know I’m a caffeine addict. So when we were all shut in and I was stuck with instant coffee, I almost lost it. But before I withered away into the abyss, Dalgona came and saved the day.
So this was the quarantine craze I bought into. Can’t trust me to raise a cactus, but damn well can I make a good coffee. For a while there, I had it almost every day. I’ve since moved on to making cold brew (thank you for the cans of grounds, tita), but Dalgona will always have a special place in my caffeine-soaked heart.
Steven Universe
Okay, so I don’t usually watch cartoons. So imagine my surprise when I unearthed this little gem of a show (pun intended). It follows our little dude, Steven, as he grows up with his three aunties — classic coming-of-age stuff except that your aunties are queer gem-themed aliens sworn to protect the world. The real magic of the show is in the way it deals with such mature topics with depth and thoughtfulness, brilliantly introducing kids to the complexities of the world. Add to that, there’s even a Filipino character and Filipino voice actors! Whodathunk a cartoon could be so revolutionary? Genius, really.
I’ve always loved experimenting in the kitchen, and all the extra time at home has had me making plates of this and that. Rather than name them all, let me just link you to this thread of the goodies in question.
One thing I realized this pandemic is that I really enjoy creating stuff in the kitchen, and I want to learn and improve more. If I pivot to a career in the kitchen, alam n’yo na.
Volunteer work
Haven’t really shared much about it, but on the down-low, I had been volunteering with the Thomasian Mental Health Responders to help provide free counseling for people in this pandemic. Been doing back-end support to help patients reach the right counselors. I think we all know what a toll this quarantine has taken on our headspaces — I mean, hello, my name’s Luis — and so I was more than happy to help.
Oh! And I also volunteered to help manage my section for our high school batch’s COVID fundraiser. It was nice getting the class back together. If only for those few weeks, we got almost everyone touching base and making noise in the chat group. Not that donations are a contest, but we’re still as competitive as ever, apparently. Brought back school fair memories.
Teaching acting to such generous students
Among the many industries that the pandemic took away was live theater. So quickly as I had began rehearsals for a new production, so quickly too did it end. No more acting. No more performing. No more becoming someone else… which is, oddly enough, the most that I feel I’m myself.
When the quarantine revealed itself to be more than temporary, all of us at Galaw.Co were asked to teach classes online — and so my acting class came to being. While I’m no newbie to teaching (hello, workshops), it would be my first time designing a program from scratch. And more daunting, even, was that I’d be passing on my own personal practice and learnings to others — who was I to do that?
Knock-knock, impostor syndrome is waiting in the Zoom lobby.
But by the time classes started and I got into the flow of things, I began to find the confidence in what I was doing. It was completely encouraging to see that what I was saying made sense to my students, and that they were actually able to access parts of them that they weren’t able to in the beginning. It’s not the same as being onstage, but there’s a high that comes from watching them grow and realizing you were a part of it.
At the same time, I found myself starting to feel a little normal again. And a little turned into a lot. The weekly classes gave structure and purpose to my days. And more importantly, in helping others explore the depths of their abilities, I found myself rediscovering why I loved acting in the first place — something so easy to forget in these dreary days.
Pokemon Go
Oh man, all the events they’ve been holding have kept us busy. You’d think the quarantine would keep business down, but no, they really found ways to keep us entertained — even if we’re just at home. Also, I kind of have a baby account now.
Ate Judit
Social media comedy
Have I wasted hours a day just staring at my phone? Yes. Was I laughing? Half the time, highly likely. The other times, I’d be j— Comedy really went off online, didn’t it? And I’m not even on TikTok. (If I watch them over Twitter, I’m not really on it, right?)
Some of my biggest laughs are from Macoy Dubs’s Aunt Julie, Rain Matienzo’s Conyo Girl, and Jordan Firstman’s impressions… and that’s just skimming the surface. Also, not comedy (usually), but @bwaybelters and @letshearitforthechoice have been bringing me such great Broadway joy at a time when there’s none to see.
Schitt’s Creek
The sheer joy that is this show. You could hear me cackling from the dining room every mealtime. Days on days, I’d just load it up and revel in the Rose family’s antics as they try to make the best out of being stuck in a small town. Everyone in this show was a character to love — whether it’s Moira and her candid eccentricities or David and his privileged cluelessness. They found ways to keep me in stitches and eventually warm my heart. Six seasons went by too fast.
McDonald’s Drive Thru
I have now eaten too much Shake-Shake Fries for my life. Cheese. Always cheese!
Chloe x Halle’s Ungodly Hour
There is not a single dud in this album. Every song had me grooving with its slick production, tight melodies, and candid lyrics. And these girls can sing — their live performances are always on point!
My solid fave from the album is the title track, which has the girls telling a potential lover to call them back when “you decide you like yourself”— a retelling of my dating life. Most of their songs speak to a version of me pre-pandemic. While I do enjoy who I am today, it sure is comforting to hear music that resonates with my past experiences.
A podcast by Rafa, Ian, Juella and Danaraye. I came in to support some friends but stayed because I found voices who were able to articulate what it’s like to be a creative in this tough-as-nails world. Also, drives are a little less lonely when you have friends coming along (virtually) for the ride. Kudos, friends!
I started the year tied to the hip with them as we mounted Dreams Come True. Faithful to the title, it put me in my very first dance production, one of my few achievements this year but also one of the proudest in my career so far. Putting in all that work was a great feat, and this company of artists made all the hardships more endurable and the successes sweeter. Our final bow was a beautiful, emotional moment that I am honored to share with them.
And it didn’t stop there… When the quarantine came in (just a few days after we closed), we became each other’s rocks. Together, we started up an online school as a means to both keep us working and keep our art alive in everyone. It was a challenge, but through it all, we got closer. Though we’ve only been able to see each other over Zoom meetings, the bond I have with these people have become inseparable. When we had our small, outdoor Christmas brunch, the feeling was drilled in… this was my family.
Mara and our workouts
From party buddies, we’ve become workout buddies. Oto and Hamaru are out… we’re now on MikeFitPH and Fit Underdog. Haha! While those wild nights in Poblacion are sorely missed, I am grateful that I didn’t have to miss my best friend. Our weekly nights out have turned into almost everyday Zoom gym sessions, breaking a sweat and growing stronger.
Going into 2020, I felt I was making great progress in my fitness journey, so I wasn’t going to let some virus end it. I invested in dumbbells and fitness programs, tried all these YouTube videos, and made workout playlists. As hard as it is to avoid the temptation of the bed and the fridge, I powered through — and through it all, Mara was there on the journey. We kept each other motivated, and in the process, kept our friendship tight.
They say having a dog will change your life — the proverbial they was right. While she’s been a constant source of worry — from her constant puppy biting to the bout of parvo-corona— Waffle has also been one of my greatest sources of joy. Tbh, the only thing keeping me sane these days is hugging this plump ball of fur. I love my little girl so much.
You know who you are
To you, my unofficial therapist and stress ball (among other things), thank you!
I know… It’s been two weeks since the new year started. But better late than never, right?
Since you’re here, may I invite you read my other entries? Or at least give me some applause down there? :)